Manufactured sand

Manufacturing sand is a way to preserve natural riverbanks and shorelines where sand would otherwise be extracted, reduce energy consumption, and utilize aggregate waste as a raw material. Rapid urbanization and population growth drive the need for new buildings and infrastructure, making sand a high-demand commodity.
tmec manufactured sand

Equipped for success

Turn your unused or rejected aggregate materials into profitable product with the help of reliable and robust technologies.

TMEC offers complete crushing and separation solutions for greenfield sites as well as solutions that can be incorporated into existing plants.

Depending on your requirements, there are several alternatives for sand manufacturing, all designed to produce well graded, high-quality end product.

tmec manufactured sand expertice
tmec manufacturing sand cement concrete asphalt

Make more from less

Produce sand with exactly the right shape and gradation. Your customers need less cement in their concrete to achieve optimum quality, strength and structural integrity, helping you justify a premium price.
Produce based on customer demand
Producing manufactured sand to order according to customers’ specifications makes your process and raw material usage more efficient.
Turn waste into product
Manufacturing sand from waste stockpiles is an ideal way to produce a high-quality commercial product that has a market and high demand.
High quality for improved price
Unlike with natural sand, you have full control over end product quality. Eliminate reject. Produce sand with optimum shape and gradation to justify a premium price.


For processing fine, unscalped, heterogeneous or irregular feeds.
High energy efficiency, high capacity, good product gradation, high reduction ratio, and low sensitivity to rock hardness.
For handling oversize aggregate fractions by returning them back to crushers for reprocessing.
With air classification you can reduce the percentage of superfines in manufactured sand.

Making the future possible

TMEC is a frontrunner in sustainable technologies, end-to-end solutions and services for the aggregates, minerals processing and metals refining industries in Cyprus and the near middle east.